Tuesday, November 16, 2004

The best lip balm for the best value ever!

I'm going to let you in on a little-known lip balm secret. It's wondrous. I feel giddy just thinking about it. One of the best options out there--and it's SPF 15!--costs ninety-nine cents. Can you believe it!? Ninety-nine cents! That and a dollar won't even get you on the subway! But it *will* get you soft, crack-free, touchable lips.

But first... Would it surprise you to know that Real Girl regularly uses four different lip balms? Each has its merit, bien sur, but without doubt the best value lies in a little silver pot at your nearest Walgreens. That's right. Walgreens makes lip balm They call it "Cool Reflections." I call it "Heaven." First of all, it's more of a salve than a balm. It's not as thick as most lip moisturizing products, and so it glides on easily and allows for frictionless lip smacking. It just plain feels good.

There are two choices: Regular (blue top) and Medicated (green top, purports to have aloe vera, vitamin E, and tea tree oil. Can't you feel that dollar stretching?). I actually prefer the regular kind. I like the smell better--almost like cherries--and it doesn't have the minty tingle of the medicated version. Here's what I love best about this product (besides the price!): Slather it on liberally at night. Really--don't hold back. My lips look positively blue with the stuff when I get into bed. But when I wake up in the morning, even on those nights when the heat is on high and the humidifier's on the fritz, there's no cracking. My lips are baby, pillowy soft.

I must share with you one more extraordinary fact. Until recently, Cool Reflections cost two dollars. That's right. They LOWERED the price! My God! In a year, will it be fifty cents? Will they be giving it away? If they are, my friends, I will be the first in line.

O little pot of Cool Reflection

Found at Walgreen's lip balm section

You drench my lips with health and shine

Until I purr like my feline

I put you on cuticles! Even on elbows!

The limit of your power nobody knows.

You even come with a little mirror, too.

If you're ever discontinued, I don't know what I'll do!

That's right. I wrote an ode to my lip balm.

Invest the buck...and let me know what you think!


Real Girl

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