Wednesday, February 9, 2005

Ask Real Girl!!

Lordy. Do you know what happened yesterday? Real Girl got older. Yes, it was my birfday. The anniversary of the day I was birfed. It was a good day--Real Boy and I looked at digital cameras, and I've almost decided which one I want (you know how much research I put into my purchases!), and then we had a lovely dinner that included melted camembert cheese nestled inside a baked apple. You can not realize how yummy that combination is. Try picturing crack nestled inside a chocolate shell. Or inside a crack shell. Then, after dinner, Real Boy hung the new print I bought (see picture above!) at Manhattan's famous Vintage Clothing Show, where--by the way--I celeb-spotted the model Helena Christensen who looked gorgeous, Marisa Tomei trying on a furry-hooded coat (adorable!), and a possible Daryl Hannah, because I'm pretty sure that's who it was wearing that God-awful army coat, scraggly scarf tied by someone who needs scarf lessons, and ugliest work boots ever. Daryl. You're killing me.

Anyway, long story short (too late?), here's my Theory of Cruel Chronology: On the day of my 25th birthday, I found my first gray hair. Last year, on my birthday, I swear to you, suddenly the circles under my eyes got darker. This year, yesterday, I am not joking, the little laugh lines by the corners of my eyes got deeper. I believe that the cosmic fates have been storing up my aging for the year only to slap it all on my face at the last minute. This is my Theory of Cruel Chronology. So, to sum up, my 20's are shrinking, my pores are not. The End.

But guess what? I've got lots of theories. And, apparently, I can give advice, too. I only know this because there's all this flurry of Real Girl Beauty activity going on behind the scenes. People email me questions--about skin care, make-up, fashion, diet, anything really--and I do whatever I can to answer them with product and improvement recommendations. You saw a sliver of this behind-the-scenes acshun here, which resulted in a cornucopia of fabulous reader recommendations. Because clearly? You. Guys. Rule. So why should I keep all these questions to myself? Why not throw them out to all y'all real girls with all y'all fabulicious advice?

So, ask Real Girl anything! I'll save your questions for a bursting-with-Realness, as regularly as needed, advice column. I will hope to live up to the sage and hilarious Amalah's Wednesday Advice Smackdown. And I hope you'll feel moved to offer your own superduper helpful recommendations. Because you? With the rocking? Been there, done that, and I'm damn ready for more.

Email away!! Link available by clicking "View my complete profile" over there on my sidebar. If you wanna be anonymous? That's totally fine! There are no rules here. We aim to please--or at least, to beautify. And ain't it the same thing?


Real Girl.

P.S. How psyched am I about birthday presents of dangly earings, body lotion, lip gloss, designer hair spray, linen blotting papers, a fab facial, and other girlie wonders? I think you can guess!! And if someone wanted to get me this? I would not complain.

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